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The force behind some of Europes most

Amazing Nutrition Brands.


The KBF Mission

KBF Enterprises is one the UK's leading Nutritional Life Sciences companies. Our mission is to make the World healthier through developing innovative nutritional solutions, combining them with great tasting food and supplementation.

KBF Enterprises brands are now available in 6 continents and over 25 countries, growing at 45%+ per year.
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Our Brands

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Featured Products

Here's just a small taste of what our brands have to offer.

Shop online at:

Sports Fuel®
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Sports Fuel® Premium Protein powder was designed to be Britain's best value protein powder!

Warrior® CRUNCH
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Protein Bar is the bar of the moment - find out more at:

Warrior® RAGE
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Our BEST SELLING RAGE Pre-Workout complete with an all new look for 2018!

Serious Gainz®

Serious Gainz from The Bulk Protein Company® is one of our most popular protein powders and mass gainers.

BBW Whey 80
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The UK's highest quality pure whey protein concentrate powder. Over 20 flavours to discover and enjoy.

Warrior® WHEY
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Warrior® WHEY has a NEW LOOK for 2018 and will be available in stores very soon! WHEY Contains 36g Protein with only 4.8g Carbs

Tanked® SMASH
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Super-charged pre-workout formula packed with powerful (and tasty!) ingredients.

50 servings!

Warrior® RAW Flapjack
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Low sugar, high protein, amazing taste - the ultimate protein snack bar!

How we do it

Why KBF?

We are both the scientist, and the marketer behind many of the phenomenal products consumers buy today and develop deep lasting relationships with.


Launched from simple beginnings, we now own and operate 7 unique brands, offering 1200+ SKU's, and trade in over 20 countries around the world. The vast majority of our products are 100% formulated and manufactured in-house, in our own state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, and distributed via our own Manchester based fulfilment centre.


Our mission is to make the World a better place by creating incredible tasting food, that's great for you. We aim to make mind and body better via incredible nutrition, backed by science, and sold via one of our own premium sports nutrition brands.


Unlock product success!

With over 1200 products on sale through our 7 brands, it's safe to say we have developed a great range of strategies and techniques, when developing new products, that set us apart from the competition. 

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Contact us

 +44 (0)161 359 4943

Unit 1

Guinness Road Trading Estate

Guinness Road


M17 1SB

Copyright © 2018 KBF Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. UK Registered: 6266859.

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